Find the Freedom in Running

The Savvy Runner will change the way you run forever.

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The Savvy Runner

Is about improving performance of the recreational runner through a balanced approach to training, nutrition, recovery and injury prevention. We have trained hundreds of savvy runners with great success.

We are passionate about running and helping people achieve their running goals because we know that finding freedom in running helps people live an authentically fulfilled and happy life. Our team consists of passionate and qualified Coaches, A Physiotherapist, a Dietician/Sports Nutritionist, a Sports Psychologist and a Massage Therapist.

We recognise that not all people find it easy to run and by training smarter running can be more accessible to more people. With expert input from all of the above we have created the most balanced, holistic program for the recreational runner to not only be able to run but to run faster, further and for longer.


Anyone can run with the Savvy Runner

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The SavvyRunner programs are designed using a proven formula to take you to a running status you may never have dreamed of whether you are a beginner or an experienced runner. This program has been designed for you to receive maximum benefit from your time investment in training due to a quality over quantity approach.

The SavvyRunner will help you easily fit your training into your lifestyle and most importantly meet your running goals.

Program Objectives

  • Our training plans are easy to follow and ensure maximum commitment and results
  • Meet your running goals by training with intensity and purpose
  • Improve overall fitness and body composition
  • Get maximum benefit from the time you invest in training
  • Develop confidence in your running ability
  • Improve speed and endurance
  • Produce faster race times
  • Avoid overtraining and burnout
  • Reduce the risk of injury through smart training, muscle management and education
  • Develop the savvyrunner’s mindset that will see you excel
  • Complete quality over quantity run sessions
  • Train like a pro but find the fun in run

Do you want to Run Further? Run Faster, or Just Run?



Learn more

A comprehensive 16 week detailed Run Program for your specific event including fitness, nutrition and recovery. This includes a 4 week Base-Building program.

  • A training journal including run sessions, pace calculation, supplementary programs and performance tracking.

  • Calculated run pace and training intensity to reach each individual runner’s goals.

  • Run Club – Weekend Long Run mapped out and scheduled at various locations

  • Run-specific NUTRITION guidance

  • Run-specific STRENGTH training program

  • Run specific FLEXIBILITY training program

  • 3 x Run Education workshops with professional experts in running, injury prevention, nutrition and recovery

  • Gold Coast Event Team Registration & Accommodation organised for you.

  • Runner of the week Awards & Prizes

  • Special Offers and discounts from our Run Partners.

OPTIONAL EXTRAS at Additional Cost
  • Join the Savvy Fitness Coached run sessions each week
  • Entry and access to athletics track for 3 speed sessions
  • Optional one on one Run Coach consult with program director (Marathon)
  • Run Performance Assessment with BaiMed Performance Team plus access to weekly RUN Strong sessions.
  • Nutrition consultation & individualised plan with Embody Nutrition
  • Cross Training Cycle & Yoga sessions at Blue Athletic
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Half Marathon

Learn more

  • A comprehensive 16 week detailed Run Program for your specific event including fitness, nutrition and recovery. This includes a 4 week Base-Building program.

  • A training journal including run sessions, pace calculation, supplementary programs and performance tracking.

  • Calculated run pace and training intensity to reach each individual runner’s goals.

  • Run Club – Weekend Long Run mapped out and scheduled at various locations  

  • Run-specific NUTRITION guidance

  • Run-specific STRENGTH training program

  • Run specific FLEXIBILITY training program

  • 3 x Run Education workshops with professional experts in running, injury prevention, nutrition and recovery

  • Gold Coast Event Team Registration & Accommodation organised for you.

  • Runner of the week Awards & Prizes

  • Special Offers and discounts from our Run Partners.

OPTIONAL EXTRAS at Additional Cost
  • Join the Savvy Fitness Coached run sessions each week
  • Entry and access to athletics track for 3 speed sessions
  • Optional one on one Run Coach consult with program director
  • Run Performance Assessment with BaiMed Performance Team plus access to weekly RUN Strong sessions.
  • Nutrition consultation & individualised plan with Embody Nutrition
  • Cross Training Cycle & Yoga sessions at Blue Athletic

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10 Km

Learn more

  • A comprehensive 12 week detailed Run Program for your specific event including fitness, nutrition and recovery.

  • A training journal including run sessions, pace calculation, supplementary programs and performance tracking.

  • Calculated run pace and training intensity to reach each individual runner’s goals.

  • Run Club – Weekend Long Run mapped out and scheduled at various locations  

  • Run-specific NUTRITION guidance

  • Run-specific STRENGTH training program

  • Run specific FLEXIBILITY training program

  • 3 x Run Education workshops with professional experts in running, injury prevention, nutrition and recovery

  • Gold Coast Event Team Registration & Accommodation organised for you.

  • Runner of the week Awards & Prizes

  • Special Offers and discounts from our Run Partners.

OPTIONAL EXTRAS at Additional Cost
  • Join the Savvy Fitness Coached run sessions each week
  • Entry and access to athletics track for 3 speed sessions
  • Optional one on one Run Coach consult with program director
  • Run Performance Assessment with BaiMed Performance Team plus access to weekly RUN Strong sessions.
  • Nutrition consultation & individualised plan with Embody Nutrition
  • Cross Training Cycle & Yoga sessions at Blue Athletic

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5 Km

Learn more

  • A comprehensive 8 week detailed Run Program for your specific event including fitness, nutrition and recovery.

  • A training journal including run sessions, pace calculation, supplementary programs and performance tracking.

  • Calculated run pace and training intensity to reach each individual runner’s goals.

  • Run Club – Weekend Long Run mapped out and scheduled at various locations

  • Run-specific NUTRITION guidance

  • Run-specific STRENGTH training program

  • Run specific FLEXIBILITY training program

  • 3 x Run Education workshops with professional experts in running, injury prevention, nutrition and recovery

  • Gold Coast Event Team Registration & Accommodation organised for you.

  • Runner of the week Awards & Prizes

  • Special Offers and discounts from our Run Partners.

OPTIONAL EXTRAS at Additional Cost
  • Join the Savvy Fitness Coached run sessions each week
  • Entry and access to athletics track for 3 speed sessions
  • Run Performance Assessment with BaiMed Performance Team plus access to weekly RUN Strong sessions.
  • Nutrition consultation & individualised plan with Embody Nutrition
  • Cross Training Cycle & Yoga sessions at Blue Athletic

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Learn to run

This program is a FREE introduction to running for those of you that believe you just cant run, but would really like to have a go.

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See what some of our great Savvy Runners are saying about us!

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